opportunities for men and women
The term equal opportunity is generally considered to be an expression
of recent developments: however, it was used in 1929 and obviously
was in currency long before that. This item appeared on page 9
of the Non-Party News of July 1929, the newsletter of the
Women's Non Party Political Association. It is an interesting
newsletter. "The opening of all offices and employments to men
and women equally" is part of plank 3 on the W.N.P.A. platform.
"The cry of "Equal opportunity, regardless of sex" is not new to
the ear of the present generation. Like the term Democracy, of
which it is a part, it has become daily speech, being generally
accepted or denounced without any particular investigation as
to its real meaning, whence it came, how it has grown, and whither
it is bound.
Similarly to many other present problems, this demand for equality
of opportunity has its roots in the Industrial Revolution. Prior
to the invention of machinery and the centralization of industry
in factories, living was a much simpler thing than it is now.
The village or group of villages around a manor was practically
a self-sustained unit. The work of the woman in the preparation
of household necessities, crude though it often was, provided
her with as wide a scope of activities, and gave her as definite
an economic value, as those possessed by men.
But with the development of machinery the production of a very
large portion of domestic needs passed from the home to the factory,
while the horizon of communal life grew from village to town,
from town to nation, and still beyond.
The early chapters of this change make particularly unpleasant
reading, but from its worst aspect to the tremendously improved
outlook of the present time, women, either through necessity or
from choice, have been entering factory and shop, skilled trades
and business occupations, educational and professional fields
in ever-increasing proportion.
And it is in part the success of women in certain directions that
has fostered the claim for an open field unhampered by artificial
sex restrictions. Fundamentally this demand for equality cannot
be an advocacy for favours. It is rather a searching revelation
of limitations, a test of fitness, an opportunity for ability
great or small, to find its natural level. It is indeed the desire
common to all mankind to have the opportunity for self-expression
according to native endowment.
But there is yet another aspect of this claim, equally as important.
It is not the right to receive, but the urgency to give. This
particularly applies to communal life, for even as the provision
for the body has passed from the hearth to the factory, so the
care for the mind and soul has reached out from the comparatively
simple demands of the village to the complex relations of international
So we find women urging the necessity for a voice in the making
and administering of laws, asking for a seat in councils, seeking
a place on all bodies of a social and philanthropic nature. We
even hear rumours of their intention to claim positions of authority
in the Civil Services!
They are not seeking a monopoly, but, having seen the fruits of
one sex control, they more urgently request co-operation. For
it is a world of men and women, male and female. Each presents
its problems, each may contribute towards their solution.
So it is that women demand, and will continue to demand, the perfectly
rational right of opportunity, equal with that held by men, both
in the doing of the world's work from the ordering of its social