Media release by Rosemary Cadden and photograph courtesy Rosey
They walked, backpacked, rode on horseback and camel, travelled
by wheelchair, cycle and horse-drawn wagon. Along the way they
collected mementoes, took photographs, met new friends and made
momentous decisions about their life post-WomenTrek—like the 39-year-old
who took the saying "life begins at 40" to heart and
decided finally to leave the job she hated and take a new path—leading
to who knows where.
Seven hundred girls and women, aged from 10 months to 80 plus,
took part in the three-month WomenTrek relay along the 1000 kilometre
length of the Heysen Trail. One hundred more had to be turned
away, as the various sections quickly filled to capacity.
"WomenTrek not only captured the imagination of the participants
- it took hold of them," said Deb Nanschild, internationally
recognised outdoor educator and leader, the force behind the mammoth
With grants from Recreation SA, Foundation SA and the Women's
Suffrage Centenary Steering Committee, Deb and Chris Hales from
YWCA of Adelaide had just 18 weeks to organise the event, pulling
together a band of 40 leaders and 30 support drivers.
Finally, WomenTrek 94 was launched on July 23 on the steps of
Parliament House by the Federal Minister for Family Services Senator
Rosemary Crowley.
Before setting off for Parachilna Gorge in the Flinders Ranges
for the first three-day section to Bunyeroo Gorge, the first group
of Trekkers, were presented with a copy of the original petition
for suffrage and a contemporary Charter of Women's Demands which
was used as a baton, passed from group to group as they walked
the Heysen Trail.
Over the next three months, relays of Trekkers passed through
country towns, such as Hawker, Melrose, Spalding and Burra, many
using their arrival to herald their own celebrations of the Women's
Suffrage Centenary.
Two months later, the Hon. Anne Levy, MLC, one of the first to
register for the Trek herself, launched the section starting from
Cape Jervis on September 16 stating "what a wonderful way
to celebrate being a woman."
"Women have claimed the Heysen Trail back!" laughed
Wendy Willow, a grand daughter of Sir Hans Heysen, who became
hooked on WomenTrek after completing the first 10 days from Blinman
to Bunyeroo Gorge, part of it on camel, and re-registered to complete
this south section.
Journey's end came on October 9 when trekkers from north and south
converged in the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden.