power of the written word
Media release by Rosemary Cadden
One hundred years ago in South Australia, millions of words were
written - in speeches, articles, letters and Hansard - before
women finally succeeded in gaining the right to cast their vote
in State elections.
A century later, in the centenary of women's suffrage in this
State, many women again chose the written word to celebrate that
achievement and to foster further debate, change attitudes and
achieve improvements in the areas of democracy and equality.
Numerous books, ranging from In her own name, a history
of women in South Australia from 1836 by historian Helen Jones,
to Puzzle it out by Valerie Yon, a booklet of crosswords
and other word games focusing on women, have been published.
Using the powerful medium of the written word, these women have
produced a bookshelf of publications that cover the serious and
the whimsical, the general environment affecting women and the
individual experiences of specific people.
In her own name by Helen Jones tells the history of changes,
from 1836 to the present, that have helped women in South Australia
move from subordination towards equality.
It is a political and legal history interwoven with personalities,
issues and events, and gives a comprehensive view and perceptive
analysis of women's changing status and role in a pioneering Australian
In her preface, Helen Jones states: "Near the end of the
20th Century, the emphasis has shifted from the basic right of
women to vote towards the need for more women to be in Parliament.
That was scarcely a consideration during the suffrage campaign;
the fact that women were placed on an equal footing with men as
potential Parliamentary candidates came about through the machinations
of enemies of the suffrage who wished to wreck the Bill by an
unwanted amendment. Their opponents stood firm and accepted the
unexpected bounty of the right to stand for Parliament. While
the women used their votes responsibly, for many years non attempted
to stand for Parliament, to the puzzlement of their 1990s successors.
Some reasons for this emerge in the book."
In the developing emancipation of women in South Australia, Helen
Jones points out that both men and women frequently worked together
to improve women's position, with a number of changes initiated
by men.
"At the same time, women did not act as one on women's issues,
there were many who ignored the injustices which their own sex
suffered and gave support, active or passive, to those anxious
to maintain the status quo," she said.
In her book, Helen Jones analyses the motives of some of the groups.
The book also fills many gaps in the relatively neglected period
of women's history before the 1960s "a substantial space
of 125 years during which the foundations of recent change were
firmly laid."
Helen Jones notes that the central themes of women's status have
remained constant throughout nearly 160 years of settlement :
the legal differentiations between men and women, the realm of
domestic work, the recognition by people of both sexes and of
varied backgrounds of a want of equality for women, and the strong
part played by women themselves in overcoming their disabilities.
Helen Jones states: "By winning the vote, women made a necessary
step towards gender equality, but the power of traditional forms
has prevented any rapid shift toward substantial equality: that
has proved a slow and often painful process."
She said the aims of the notable reformers in South Australia's
history - to remedy social ills with long-term solutions backed
by public opinion and based in the law - epitomise those of "the
many South Australians who have pursued the constant, if elusive,
goal of achieving equality for women in a changing society."